Rule 5.180. Waiver and Consent
(a) Manner of Execution. A waiver or consent as authorized by law shall be in writing and signed by the person executing the waiver or consent.
(b) Contents. The waiver or consent shall state:
(1) the person’s interest in the subject of the waiver or consent;
(2) if the person is signing in a fiduciary or representative capacity, the nature of the capacity;
(3) expressly what is being waived or consented to; and
(4) if the waiver pertains to compensation, language declaring that the waiving party has actual knowledge of the amount and manner of determining the compensation and, in addition, either:
(A) that the party has agreed to the amount and manner of determining that compensation and waives any objection to payment; or
(B) that the party has the right to petition the court to determine the compensation and waives that right.
(c) Filing. The waiver or consent shall be filed.